District Planning

​​​​​​​​​​The Rancho Santiago Community College District (RSCCD) Board of Trustees recognizes the importance of thoughtful planning for effective management of the District. The Board reviews district's visions and goals on a regular basis and in turn, the staff identify objectives for their respective units to successfully achieve these goals. These goals are supported by the allocation of appropriate funding and the implementation of these plans to ensure that we successfully serve our communities and students.

There are six participatory governance committees involved in planning at the district level. The District Council serves as the primary participatory governance body that is responsible for district-wide planning activities including developing planning and budgetary recommendations that are submitted to the Chancellor and Board of Trustees. The five other district-level participatory governance committees who support the work of the District Council include the Planning and Organizational Effectiveness, the Fiscal Resources, the Human Resources, the Physical Resources and the Technology Advisory Group. 

Since each of us shares in the responsibility of planning and evaluation, these activities are conducted continuously throughout the District. The colleges (Santa Ana College and Santiago Canyon College) have their own internal processes for planning and evaluation, with each department/unit continuously moving through the cycle in its respective area. These plans are simultaneously integrated into the district-wide planning and resource allocation processes. The RSCCD District Research, Planning & Institutional Effectiveness​ Department assists in the coordination of these planning efforts. Inquiries may be directed to Nga Pham by email or by calling (714) 480-7467.