Meet SCC Alum Jenelle Allison

SCC Alumna Spotlight: Meet Jenelle Allison​​

Santiago Canyon College (SCC) Alumna, Jenelle Allison's journey into the world of healthcare was no coincidence; it was a calling. Raised by a mother who's a nurse, she grew up witnessing the dedication and compassion that defined the role. As she matured, Allison realized that she, too, wanted to make a difference in people's lives, especially during their most trying moments.

“When I first started at SCC, I was torn between becoming a teacher or a nurse. It was during my nursing prerequisites at SCC that I realized there was no other option for me. I loved learning about anatomy and physiology and microbiology and knew that it was the path I needed to follow," said Allison.

However, Jenelle's journey through SCC was about more than just academic growth; it was a period of forming cherished memories. One standout experience was her microbiology course with Dr. Foley, where she forged lifelong friendships. Allison and her fellow students formed a tight-knit study group, making learning not only effective but also enjoyable.

“SCC has a special place in my heart" it is the place that ignited a passion for learning and “even gave me the courage to move to Alaska for nursing school," continued Allison. To this day when she drives past the SCC campus, she looks at it fondly with nostalgia and thinks “I miss it."

Allison's story is a testament to the transformative power of education and the way it can transcend the classroom. SCC gave her the skills and confidence to pursue her goals, and now she continues to create a profound and lasting impact in her profession. As an orthopedic/trauma RN, Allison is a light for patients during some of the most challenging moments of their lives, providing not only medical care but also a compassionate presence.

Allison's journey exemplifies the heart of RSCCD, which is dedicated to nurturing an environment that empowers students to follow their life's callings. The ripple effect of a student pursuing a fulfilling profession is felt throughout society, making the world a better place for all. Allison started her journey with admiration for her mother and a dream, and today, she stands as a beacon of hope and healing for those in need.

Learn more about Santiago Canyon College here.  ​​


