Santiago Canyon College student Ryan Foley will serve as the 2022-2023 Student Trustee. Ryan will represent students from both Santiago Canyon College and Santa Ana College as Student Trustee and plans to bring awareness and solve issues affecting students.
As a student leader, Ryan strives to make his community a better place. Ryan's leadership in student government stretches back to elementary school and he's always sought to enrich the school experience for all students. He's held multiple student government roles such as Senator, Associate Justice, Director of Fiscal/Financial Operations, ICC Vice President, and ICC President. Ryan also holds certifications in economics, finance, diplomacy, and women's health. Additionally, he was elected to serve as the 2022-2023 Vice President of Finance for the Student Senate for California Community Colleges.
Ryan's representation of the student body includes chairing the Student Senate for California Community Colleges RFFC and Finance committee as well as serving on various committees such as Santiago Canyon College's Enrollment Management Plan committee, the California Community Colleges Chancellor's office Fiscal Advisory committee, and the Community College League of California's Student Trustee Advisory committee.
Ryan's main initiatives and goals while serving as student trustee are ensuring all individuals have access to education regardless of income, living status, or age; digital equity, literacy, and inclusion; and expansion of student basic needs.