Each image must have an Alternative Text (Alt text)
Descriptive Alt Text for Meaningful Images
The following images must have a descriptive Alt text:
Image is part of the content
Select the image and enter a
descriptive Alt text to the Alt text field on the ribbon.

Linked image
A linked image is
functional and must have a descriptive Alt text.
Ad Rotator Web Part Images
Add a description in the picture editor. It will be used as Alt text for the picture.

Please note: Wording for Alt text to avoid:
- "image of.."
- "image 1", "image 2"…
- File name
Empty Alt Text for Decorative Images
Empty Alt text (Alt="") should be used for decorative images. An image with an empty Alt attribute (Alt="") is ignored by screen readers.
Note: When you insert an image in SharePoint 2013, an empty Alt text is inserted by default. Leave it alone if it is a decorative image. Add a descriptive Alt text if the image is meaningful or functional.
Page Report in Siteimprove:
Text Equivalent for Image of Text
Image of text must have a text equivalent so that screen readers can read its content.
Text equivalent could be:
- an
Alt text

Select the image and enter its Alt text ("Registration is easy with our new mobile app")

- a
link to the text version of the image (PDF or text document)
If the text content of the image is too long, or has a complex layout (e.g. columns, tables, etc.), an Alt text is not sufficient to describe it. Publishers should link the image to its text version, which could be a PDF or text document.
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