PDF Accessibility Report in Siteimprove

  1. On the left panel of Siteimprove, select the Accessibility tab and college website, and then click on the PDFs link to open the list of PDF documents with accessibility issues.
    Open PDFs report;
  2. Click on a URL of a specific PDF file to open the document report page.
    List of issues 
  3. Accessibility errors are listed on the left panel.
    Page issues 
  4. After identifying the PDF accessibility issues in Siteimprove, go back to your original file and repair it in the authoring application from which your PDF document was produced (e.g. MS Word, Adobe InDesign, Adobe Acrobat...). Adobe Acrobat can be used to fix accessibility issues if you do not have the source file.

    Recheck your updated file

    The updated PDF document should be re-uploaded to SharePoint site, and then rechecked in Siteimprove. The URL will be removed from the issues list if the PDF document is successfully repaired.

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