Reprographics (photocopies) are multiple copies from the WebCRD or hard-copy originals reproduced on a copier. RSCCD Publications offers black and white copies as a standard. Copy requests are produced only for RSCCD employees for use in district and college activities. Standards are in place for paper and bindery choices. Non-standard requests are charged to the requestor’s department budget. Color copies are charged to the requestor's department. Color copies can not be requested through the WebCRD system and must be made with arrangements through the
Graphic Communications department or the Publications manager.
The reprographics staff can be contacted as shown below.
Albert Flores | (714) 628-5955 |  |
Greg Eng | (714) 628-5955 |
Michelle Ramos | (714) 628-5955 |
Standards for All Copier Requests
How to Submit Reprographics Requests
Job Turnaround
Delivery Options
Tips for Better Reprographic Quality
Important Copyright Information (Links to UC copyright law on fair use)